Tvorchi Is It Over

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  • Размер: 2.06 MB
  • Длительность: 02:01

"Tvorchi - Is It Over": Exploring Emotions Through Music

The song "Is It Over" by Tvorchi delves into the complex emotions that arise when a relationship is on the brink of falling apart. Tvorchi is an electronic music duo from Ukraine known for their emotive and introspective sound. In this song, the lyrics convey feelings of frustration and disappointment as the protagonist reflects on giving their all to the relationship, only to feel let down by their partner's lack of reciprocity.

The lines "Oh I gave you all I had, Said you couldn't do the same, I get crazy when I'm mad" capture the raw vulnerability and inner turmoil of someone grappling with the realization that their efforts may not have been appreciated or reciprocated. The haunting melody and atmospheric production enhance the emotional impact of the song, drawing listeners into the protagonist's introspective journey.

"Is It Over" serves as a poignant reminder of the intricacies of human relationships and the tumultuous nature of love and heartbreak. Through their music, Tvorchi invites listeners to confront their own emotions and experiences, creating a space for introspection and catharsis.

TvorchiIs It Over
Текст песни

Oh I gave you all I had

Said you couldn't do the same

I get crazy when I'm mad

Cause there's no way to numb the pain

I sacrificed it all for you

I'm losing my mind

Is all because of you

Другие треки этого исполнителя
TvorchiIs It Over
TvorchiМи Сходимо Із Орбіт Ft Klavdia Petrivna
TvorchiОрбіти Ft Klavdia Petrivna