O.Torvald Водограй

  • Просмотров: 0
  • Размер: 3.44 MB
  • Длительность: 03:22

O.Torvald is a Ukrainian rock band known for their energetic performances and powerful music. Their song "Водограй" ('Waterfall') is a reflection on the constant flow and unpredictable nature of life. The lyrics speak of water rushing through mountains and into the wide world, symbolizing the journey through life's challenges and uncertainties. The chorus expresses a desire to immerse oneself in the pure water near the waterfall, seeking clarity and renewal.

The band's unique sound blends rock elements with meaningful lyrics, creating a captivating listening experience. O.Torvald's music often addresses important social issues and personal struggles, resonating with a wide audience. "Водограй" is a testament to the band's ability to convey deep emotions through music, inviting listeners to reflect on their own paths and find solace in the beauty of life's ever-changing course. With their passionate performances and thought-provoking songs, O.Torvald continues to make a significant impact on the Ukrainian music scene.

Текст песни

Тече вода, тече бистра,
А куди - не знає,
Помiж гори в свiт широкий
Тече, не вертає.

Ми зайдемо в чисту воду
Бiля водограю
I попросим його щиро,
Хай вiн нам зiграє.

Ой водо-водограй, грай, для нас грай.
Танок свiй жвавий ти не зупиняй.
За красну пiсню на всi голоси
Що хочеш, водограю, попроси.
Струни дає тобi кожна весна,
Дзвiнкiсть дарує їм осiнь ясна.
I ми заграєм на струнах твоїх -
Хай розiллють вони радiсний смiх.

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