Imanis Аиша (Aisha)

  • Просмотров: 1
  • Размер: 3.05 MB
  • Длительность: 02:59

Imanis - a talented Russian singer known for his captivating music style that blends Eastern and Western influences. One of his popular songs is "Аиша (Aisha)," which transports listeners to the mystical world of the ancient bazaar. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of wandering through the labyrinthine streets, where dreams intertwine amidst the luxurious fabrics and vibrant colors.

In "Аиша (Aisha)," Imanis sings about a mesmerizing encounter with a woman named Aisha, symbolizing the allure and mystery of the East. The song's poetic imagery evokes a sense of enchantment and exoticism, drawing the listener into a world of romance and adventure.

Imanis' soulful voice and evocative storytelling make "Аиша (Aisha)" a captivating musical journey that resonates with fans of world music. Through his artistry, Imanis brings to life the enchanting beauty and enigmatic charm of the Orient, inviting listeners to immerse themselves in a cultural tapestry of sounds and emotions.

ImanisАиша (Aisha)
Текст песни

В лабиринтах древнего базара,
Где сплетаются тысячи снов,
Я нашел тебя, тайну Востока
Среди шёлка, парчи и цветов.

Другие треки этого исполнителя
ImanisАиша (Aisha)