Ilhan Ihsanov Tamyrlarym

  • Просмотров: 0
  • Размер: 1.02 MB
  • Длительность: 01:00

Ilhan Ihsanov - Tamyrlarym" is a song by the talented Kazakh artist Ilhan Ihsanov. The song reflects on the deep feelings of love and devotion. The lyrics express the singer's emotions and dedication to their loved ones, emphasizing the importance of cherished relationships and the blessings received from a higher power. Ilhan Ihsanov's soulful voice and heartfelt delivery captivate listeners, creating a powerful connection through music.

The song's title, "Tamyrlarym," translates to "My Dreams" in English, further highlighting the theme of longing and affection. Ilhan Ihsanov's ability to convey raw emotions through his music has earned him a dedicated following and critical acclaim in Kazakhstan and beyond. With its poignant lyrics and melodic composition, "Ilhan Ihsanov - Tamyrlarym" is a heartfelt tribute to love and human connections that resonate with audiences worldwide.

Ilhan IhsanovTamyrlarym
Текст песни

Il'han - Tamyrlarym
Илхан Ихсанов - Тамырларым
Бауырларым тамырларым
Сыйысындар маған берген бiр Алланың
Бауырларым жақындырым
Беремiн мен сендер үшiн бәрiн бәрiн

Другие треки этого исполнителя
Ilhan IhsanovTamyrlarym